Believe that Jesus rose from the dead. What you and I were unable to do, Jesus did on our behalf. Mark 16:9 says "When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene." I love that! The first person Jesus appears to after rising from the dead, is not a prominent spiritual leader. He came to the woman who had seven demons cast out of her. The culture of that day was demeaning and belittling to women but once again Jesus went out of His way to honor the outcasts. His love really is good news for those of us who know we aren't perfect. Righteousness is a gift, you don't have to work for it. You are completely forgiven, you will never be held liable for your sins ever again because of the finished work of Christ.
If you ask him, he will come and live in you. He will help you and guide you into abundant life. Jesus said," I Am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me."(John 14: 6) Again, He didn't say that to be exclusive. He said it because He is the one who holds the gift.
Imagine If the President of the United States called your best friend and said, I've seen you struggling financially and I'm going to give you one million dollars and a brand new BMW. All you need to do is come to the white house and ask for the President, I'll have your keys and money waiting for you. Now imagine if your friend started going door to door in every city asking for their million dollars and free BMW. And imagine if every time you reminded them that the President has the money and keys waiting for them, they got mad at you and said,, "but I think I should be able to pick up my BMW and money from anyone I choose." You might think, wow they are missing out. Or imagine if they finally went to the white house, but instead of going in and receiving their free gift, they started washing every car in the white house parking lot to try and earn it.. The gift of salvation is sort of like that. You can't work for it, you just need to receive it from the source, the "Giver of good gifts, "The Father of lights", the "Alpha and Omega", the one who holds the keys to your salvation, the "Lover of your soul", Jesus Christ.
Once you enter into relationship with him talk to Him like you would your best friend. Hold nothing back. God wants to bless you, not because you are good, but because He is good. So if you think you've fallen short, don't run from Him, run to Him. He wants you to tell Him everything and He really wants to know whats on your heart. He also wants to give you blessings, healing, restoration, protection and peace. He has good plans for you. I can't wait for you to get to know Him and experience His unconditional love.
Painting by Akiane Kramarik
I've got good news!
You are the apple of God's eye
He holds nothing against you.
He rises to show you compassion
and He is totally for you
You know, a lot of people think that God came to give us laws and more laws, but it's not true. Jesus came to do one thing, to offer us grace. He did not come to condemn you, he came to love you and to save you. John 1:17 KJV "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."
A lot of people think God is mad at them, but nothing could be farther from the truth. God poured out all his wrath out on Jesus, the debt for sin has been paid, "It is finished" That's fantastic news!
You don't ever have to earn your way to God, all you have to do is receive. When you receive Jesus you are guilt free, there is no more condemnation and no expectation of punishment. The price for sin has been paid, the judgement executed and all anger toward sin is exhausted. So nothing you have done or ever will do will be counted against you. Every second of every day, His banner over you is love.
Just acknowledge your need for God. The bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.(Romans 8:28.) No one is better than anyone else, we are all equal in the eyes of God.
Acknowledge that Jesus paid the debt for the sin of all humanity. God demonstrated his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) No one is left out. All of us are in need of grace and everyone is accepted by Jesus.
Acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. God loves you so much, that he gave His only son, so if you believe in Him you will not perish but will have everlasting life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Anyone who believes in Him has been acquitted, but anyone who refuses to believe in him has long since been under a death sentence without knowing it. (John 3:16-18) Why? Not because He is being exclusive, but because He knows that no amount of keeping the law can make you holy. His shed blood and finished work on the cross is the only way to be righteous before God. Notice there is no work involved. He came to put the world right again, not because of how good we are but because of how good He is.